TermiteBullies https://termitebullies.com Your pests are not gonna like us! Fri, 17 Sep 2021 22:11:53 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 214872124 Termite FAQ https://termitebullies.com/2021/08/25/termite-faq/ https://termitebullies.com/2021/08/25/termite-faq/#respond Wed, 25 Aug 2021 18:56:23 +0000 https://www.pestbullies.com/?p=458


Do termites eat wood?

Many species of termites eat and digest wood, but they do not have the ability to “eat” as humans understand it. Instead, microorganisms in their gut biochemically break down the cellulose (a component of wood) into substances that are absorbable by the termite’s body. The digestive system is very similar to cows’ stomachs in this way. This allows termites to extract all necessary proteins, carbs, fats, vitamins, and minerals from any wood source. Termites will only eat certain parts of a plant: roots, not leaves or stems; dead trees but never green; branches with nodes (knots).

Can I hear Termite chewing?

The noise you most often hear associated with termites is actually a sign that they could be there. If you can’t see any visible activity or find anything by sight, listen for chewing noises at night. These sounds are distinctive and can lead you to the nest or area where they might be gaining entry into your home.

Are termites nocturnal?

Just because termites are most active during the night doesn’t mean that all of them are nocturnal. For example, Macrotermes bellicosus colonies fly in the late afternoon but scurry underground before sunset, using their wings only as insulation while overwintering in their mounds. However, others like Coptotermes formosanus forage under darkness without having to use their wings. These species of termites are very aggressive when disturbed and may rush to attack intruders if accidentally bumped into.

Are termites blind?

Termites have tiny eyes which, although not connected to their brains – are used as light sensors on their heads and appear similar to hair follicles. The actual image is blurred but some details can be seen; the termite appears to have two eyes that sit near each other.

Can termites bite humans?

Yes, termites can bite humans. A few different species are known for this, like the desert subterranean termite (Heterotermes aureus), which feeds on roots and other organic matter underground, and Nasutitermes exitiosus – which builds tubes in wood structures – although they do not have teeth or jaws to tear into the skin. These termites will just use their mandibles to make small punctures and suck up the resulting blood meal. If you find yourself with a bite from one of these species it won’t be very painful but if there is an allergic reaction seek medical attention immediately.

Can termites eat concrete?

Yes, termites can eat concrete. Two main types of subterranean termite species are known for this: Reticulitermes and Coptotermes. Other species like Neotermes castaneus have also been reported to be able to cause damage to concrete structures. As with wood, these termites break down and digest the cement over time through a process involving their symbiotic gut organisms.

Do termites ever stop eating?

Termites will eat constantly except when they are in a state of diapause (similar to hibernation). They slow down or even stop reproductive processes in certain conditions such as cold weather, drought, food scarcity, low egg production inside the colony, or overcrowding – but never stop completely.

Will termites eat drywall?

Yes, termites will eat drywall. This is a popular way that homeowners discover an infestation because it’s usually the first material consumed and is easy to damage/remodel if there are no occupants living in the house. As with wood, they digest the drywall after breaking it down into smaller parts.

How do termites digest wood?

Termites digest wood (cellulose) by using a symbiotic group of gut organisms which produce enzymes to break down the cellulose. As long as termites are provided with enough water and food, they will continue to grow and process wood in their digestive tracts until they die.

How long do termites live?

Termite mounds can have a lifespan of 20 years or more; workers’ lifespan is shorter because they usually don’t survive past 2 years old. Reproductive termites mature around 3 to 6 years and remain fertile their entire lives, while royals only live for about two years as adults – although some species like Cryptotermes brevis may lay eggs up to three times year resulting in multiple clutches of offspring per year.


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Are termites harmful to humans? https://termitebullies.com/2021/08/23/are-termites-harmful-to-humans/ https://termitebullies.com/2021/08/23/are-termites-harmful-to-humans/#respond Mon, 23 Aug 2021 23:09:32 +0000 https://www.pestbullies.com/?p=407

Termites are insects that live in colonies and subsist on plant cellulose. There are more than 2,000 species of termites throughout the world—about 650 species in North America alone—and they’re present wherever there is wood to eat, or at least 20% moisture content for mud tunnels. Though most don’t consider termite colonies anything short of a nuisance —who hasn’t returned from a trip to find their home invaded by thousands of winged creatures eager to feast upon the wood within—harmless or not, there are some who find a silver lining in their destructive behavior.

As it turns out, termites are one of nature’s most efficient recyclers, eating their way through dead or dying plants and wood. During this process, they become compost—a rich dirt-like material that contains the same elements like soil and can be used for fertilizer. Termites also recycle fallen trees by tunneling deep into the ground where they eat away decomposing leaves, then deposit fungi spores on the wood which in time help revive new plant growth. And should a colony grow too large for its home—or your home—they’re perfectly content to look elsewhere for food?

Cartoon of a termiteContrary to popular belief, termite bites are not poisonous; however, some species have been known to spread histoplasmosis (caused by the fungus Histoplasma capsulatum ) an infectious disease. Though the bites can raise welts—and some people become sensitive to them —histoplasmosis is not life-threatening.

Homesteaders who live in and around woodlands are generally more at risk, as termites are drawn to moisture and decomposing vegetation that’s present in such environments. If you should find your home invaded by termites, remain calm and enlist the help of a professional exterminator to ensure that they don’t return.

It is also true that people who are living in homes infested by termites may suffer from allergic reactions or even asthma attacks. The reaction is triggered by the saliva released from the termites after they bite. However, people who are sensitive to these pests may want to consider having a professional exterminator treat their homes for these invaders. Also, if there are holes around the home that will allow them in then you should also contact an experienced exterminator as well.

No matter your reaction to their presence, they are not harmful to humans. The moral of the story is that termites are just plain bad news (and they’re not your buddies). Even though some may seem harmless, a majority have evolved into pests —not friends. If you suspect that you or someone living in your home has been bitten by an insect please call a professional exterminator without delay.

https://termitebullies.com/2021/08/23/are-termites-harmful-to-humans/feed/ 0 407
Some Uncommon Ways to Kill Termites – In Case the Common Ways Don’t Work https://termitebullies.com/2021/08/09/some-uncommon-ways-to-kill-termites-in-case-the-common-ways-dont-work/ https://termitebullies.com/2021/08/09/some-uncommon-ways-to-kill-termites-in-case-the-common-ways-dont-work/#respond Mon, 09 Aug 2021 18:54:47 +0000 https://www.pestbullies.com/?p=332

Termites are among the most dangerous insects that may ruin the foundation of a house in few years. The termites are not noticeable during the first few years which is the worst part of their presence and it means that they do not give any warning.

This means it could be too late after someone realizes the presence of these unwelcome guests. There are many products and countless articles on methods to kill termites. But we put together some alternative ways to kill termites if the run-of-the-mill termite products don’t do the job.

Permethrin dust is an insecticide that helps control a wide variety of household pests, including termites. These are natural insecticides and favorite chemicals of most homeowners that not only affect the termites but also ticks, ground beetles, ants, and wasps. Arsenic dust is also an effective insecticide to wash off termites. Its major advantage is that if one termite is in contact with it then the other termites of the same colony will also breathe the toxic stuff. This chemical has cannibalistic nature which means the chemical could be transmitted from dead termites to the other termites who feed them.

Termites cannot live in low temperatures (20 degrees Fahrenheit) and thus the use of liquid nitrogen can eliminate terminates. Termites can also be killed by drowning them. Sunlight is the natural source of killing termites. If enough light is not penetrating into the home then the termites may ruin the house. The windows should be open during the daytime so that enough light enters the rooms.

If a table or chair is infested with termites then keeping them outside for 2-3 days may kill all the termites. Salts are also effective in the control of termites. Making a solution of salt and water in a jar and then spraying on the infected area could kill the termites due to dehydration.

Another effective way to eradicate termites is electrocution and orange oil. Orange oil is simply extracted from the peel of orange and it is not soluble in water. Care must be taken while using it because it is dangerous for humans as it may irritate the skin and eyes. Actually, orange oil destroys the cell membrane of various insects. The orange oil could be used by drilling a hole in the infected area and then pouring it into a hollow space.

Nematodes can also be used to kill termites as they are the worm species that look for prey like termites. The spray of nematodes can destroy all the termites in approximately forty-eight hours. Nematodes are not dangerous for pets, humans, and plants. They only kill the insects and destroy them in no time.

There are some bug bombs that are liquid insecticides and are available in grocery stores in aerosol cans. These are sprayed on the infected areas and after the termites come close to these toxic substances they die. The cardboard traps are also used to eradicate the termites from infected areas. Make sure to consult with experts or follow the instructions given for each product before its use.


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